GridJS Version: 0.1.3 By @Sneezry

A JavaScript Imaging Library

Get Start

GridJS is a JavaScript imaging library for web programming, it makes image processing easier in browsers.

To use GridJS in your code, just create a script element within any web page:

<script src="//"></script>

Open An Image

GridJS provides three ways to open image, from URL, from image data and from pixel object. To open an image from URL, you can call method:'picture.jpg', function(im) {
  // do something with im.

You may notice has a callback function parameter to take the returned image object. We do know most people do not like callbacks, that's fine, only when you open an image from URL you have to touch callback, otherwise, you won't find any callback in GridJS any more.

To open an image from image data, you can call gridjs.getImageObjectFromImageData method:

content = canvas.getContent('2d');
imageData = content.getImageData(0, 0, width, height);
im = gridjs.getImageObjectFromImageData(imageData);
// do something with im.

To open an image from pixel, you can call gridjs.getImageObjectFromPixel method:

im = gridjs.getImageObjectFromPixel(pixel);

pixel in above code is a pixel object, you can learn more at

Create A Blank Image

You can also create a blank image with gridjs.blank method:

im = gridjs.blank(500, 400, [255, 255, 255, 1]);

Process An Image Object

Now we have an image object, then we can call all methods belone to ImageObject to process. You can find a full list of ImageObject at

An image object has 4 attributes, width, height, imageData and pixel. You should never edit width and height attribute, and to edit imageData is not recommended. And you should always call ImageObject.update after you edit pixel, and call ImageObject.updatePixel after you edit imageData.

Code below will resize the image object:

im.resize(200, 100);

Most ImageObject methods modify the origin data, that is to say, for example, after you call ImageObject.resize method, the image object itself will be resized, but not get a copy. If you don't like to modify the origin data, you can call ImageObject.copy method to create a copy, then modify the copy:

im2 = im.copy(); // im2 is a copy of im
im2.resize(200, 100); // im2 is resized to 200 by 100, and im is not modified

All methods of ImageObject return ImageObject, that means you can call methods in one line:

im2 = im.copy().resize(200, 100);

To show an image object, you can call method. To use this method, you need assign a canvas element or an img element to place the image:

canvas = document.getElementsByTagName('canvas')[0];
img = document.getElementsByTagName('img')[0];;
im.resize(200, 100);;

Do you remember we can call methods in only one line? So let's change code above to this:, 100).show(img);

Basic Image Processing

GridJS provides several basic image processing methods, you can call them very comfortably.

Resize And Rotate

Resize an image to 200 by 100 then rotate it with 90 degree:

im.resize(200, 100).rotate(90);


Grayscale method converts image to grayscale:


Splice Images

Splice two images:

im = gridjs.blank(400, 200);
im.paste(im1, 0, 0).paste(im2, 200, 0);

More methods can be found at

Image Processing With Pixel

Basic image processing methods are very limited, so you may need edit pixel to process the image. GridJS provides a pixel object in every image object, so you can edit pixel very easy with GridJS.

You can learn more about pixel object at

Find Image Edges

var mask = [
  [-1, -2, -1],
  [-2, 12, -2],
  [-1, -2, -1],

im.pixel.G = gridjs.conv(im.pixel.G, mask);
im.pixel.G = gridjs.cutoff(im.pixel.G, 255);

Modify Image Color

var newR, newG, newB;

newR = gridjs.multiply(im.pixel.r, 0.393);
newR = gridjs.add(newR, gridjs.multiply(im.pixel.g, 0.769));
newR = gridjs.add(newR, gridjs.multiply(im.pixel.b, 0.189));

newG = gridjs.multiply(im.pixel.r, 0.349);
newG = gridjs.add(newG, gridjs.multiply(im.pixel.g, 0.686));
newG = gridjs.add(newG, gridjs.multiply(im.pixel.b, 0.168));

newB = gridjs.multiply(im.pixel.r, 0.272);
newB = gridjs.add(newB, gridjs.multiply(im.pixel.g, 0.534));
newB = gridjs.add(newB, gridjs.multiply(im.pixel.b, 0.131));

im.pixel.r = newR;
im.pixel.g = newG;
im.pixel.b = newB;


Computer Visual

Corner Detector

function harris(srcArray) {
  var imx, imy, wxx, wyy, wxy, wdet, wtr, H,
      g = gridjs;

      imx = g.gauss(srcArray, 5, 1, 0);
      imy = g.gauss(srcArray, 5, 1, 1);

      wxx = g.gauss(g.square(imx), 5);
      wyy = g.gauss(g.square(imy), 5);
      wxy = g.gauss(g.mul(imx, imy), 5);

      wdet = g.minus(g.mul(wxx, wyy), g.square(wxy));
      wtr = g.add(wxx, wyy);

      H = g.div(wdet, wtr, 0);


      return H;

function getHarrisPoint(harrisArray, threshold, minDistance) {
  var x, y, i, j, distance2,
      minDistance2 = minDistance * minDistance,
      index = 0,
      width = harrisArray[0].length,
      height = harrisArray.length,
      points = [];

  for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
    for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
      if (harrisArray[y][x] >= threshold) {
        points[index++] = {
          'x' : x,
          'y' : y,
          'h' : harrisArray[y][x]

  points.sort(function(a, b) {
    return b.h - a.h;

  for (i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
      distance2 = (points[i].x - points[j].x) * (points[i].x - points[j].x) +
                  (points[i].y - points[j].y) * (points[i].y - points[j].y);

      if (distance2 < minDistance2) {
        points.splice(i, 1);

  return points;

var H, corners, i;

H = harris(im.pixel.G);
corners = getHarrisPoint(H, 0.015, 10);

for (i = 0; i < corners.length; i++) {
  im.pixel.r[corners[i].y][corners[i].x] = 255;
  im.pixel.g[corners[i].y][corners[i].x] = 0;
  im.pixel.b[corners[i].y][corners[i].x] = 0;


Data Analysis


im = gridjs.blank(500, 500, [64, 64, 64, 1]);
colors = ['c', 'g', 'y', 'r', 'm', 'b'];
points = [];

for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
  x = Math.round(Math.random() * 100);
  y = Math.round(Math.random() * 100);
  points[i * 3] = [x + 50, y + 50];
  points[i * 3 + 1] = [Math.round(Math.random() * 200) + 250, Math.round(Math.random() * 200) + 100];
  points[i * 3 + 2] = [Math.round(Math.random() * 100) + 100, Math.round(Math.random() * 100) + 300];

vq = gridjs.kmeans(points, 3);
for (i = 0; i < vq.cluster.length; i++) {
  im.plot(vq.cluster[i], colors[i % 6] + '.');
im.plot(, 'k*');